I love starting the day with a glass of water and a green smoothie. I usually roll out of bed and drink a small glass of water; I’m always parched in the AM. And once I’ve gotten ready for the day I’ll make my green smoothie. Sometimes this is a supplement to my breakfast, other days this IS my breakfast. I figure it’s way better than nothing, and it gives me the jolt I need to get going.
Why I love green smoothies:
  • It’s an efficient way to get in a good dose of spinach
  • After 4 days in a row of green smoothies I feel leaner and lighter
  • They’re yummy!
green smoothie image
My basic recipe
1 handful of spinach
1/2 a banana
1 spear of pineapple
ice (optional)
Instructions: place spinach, banana and pineapple in blender. Add 1/2 to 1 c of water and a few cubes of ice. Blend until smooth. Enjoy!
They day delight
1 handful of spinach
1/2 a banana
1 spear of pineapple
1 -2 tsp spirulina
ice (optional)
Instructions: place spinach, banana, pineapple and spirulina in blender. Add 1/2 to 1 c of water and a few cubes of ice. Blend until smooth. Enjoy!
The eye opener
1 handful of spinach
1/2 a banana
1 spear of pineapple
4-5 mint leaves
1 -2 tsp spirulina
1 Tbsp chia seeds
ice (optional)
Instructions: place spinach, banana, pineapple and spirulina in blender. Add 1/2 to 1 c of water and a few cubes of ice. Blend until smooth.  Pour into a glass and add chia seeds. Let stand for 10 minutes to let the seeds hydrate, then enjoy!
The basic recipe is my go to most weeks. As long as I picked up those ingredients from the store, it’s effortless. The level up is my latest obsession. I was intimidated by the seemingly unpleasant taste of spirulina, but I’ve found with a heaping teaspoon I don’t even notice it! I like that it turns my smoothie this beautiful deep green color too.
I choose water as my liquid because it keeps me feeling the freshest. I’ve tried using almond milk and other milk alternatives to bump up my nutrient quota for my smoothie, but I find that I lose that slimming effect of this beverage. It’s not that my body necessarily becomes skinnier as much as I FEEL lighter. And I really like that feeling.
I hope you like these recipes!! What’s your favorite variation for mixing green veggies and fruits in a morning smoothie?